Blades, nails, nail holder and insurance
Our designers, engineers and a wide network of suppliers allow us to develop and manufacture good quality products in our country, able to replace imported ones.
In this way we are in a position to offer the provision of the wear material of habitual consumption in very short periods and also place them in consignment in your store.
We can also offer alternative imported wear material.
The operation with the RIPPER is ideal for Scarifying and Penetrating hard and frozen floors. An implement that can significantly improve production.
With this implement avoids hiring additional equipment, using the same EXCAVATOR that is used to load trucks or to ditch.
With the Arm of the EXCAVATOR you have access at heights and distances increasing production in a very short time.
In quarries you can reduce or even avoid costs of drilling and blasting. In this way, it produces only the material it needs. With which the extracted rock is less exposed to the elements.
By preventing blasting it reduces the environmental impact and can occur in places where explosions are prohibited.
Pizarro 6711 – CABA – CP: 1440 - ARGENTINA - Tel.:: +54 11 2143-4639 / +54 11 2086-2292 - Cel: +54 9 11 6283-0034 - Whatsapp: +54 9 11 6283-0034 - ventas@fargroup.com.ar